Mano A Mano Mutual Aid Fund | Columbia County Sanctuary Movement CRM

Mano A Mano Mutual Aid Fund

Image of lots of butterflies of different colors. Text reads "Sigue volando aunque el viento sea fuerte."


CCSM Launches Mano a Mano Mutual Aid Fund


** As of 9/14/21 our Mano a Mano Fund is very low! Applicants-- we will be slower to respond until we are able to replenish some of our resources. Our application is first-come, first served and we will be in touch with next steps. Supporters, please consider making a donation today! **

CCSM's Mano a Mano Fund has put thousands of dollars back into our community in a time when no public help was available for immigrants. The fund strengthens CCSM’s existing mutual aid, accompaniment, and rapid response programming. Together the fund and build up of programming will increase the exchange of financial support, resources, services, and information to meet the economic, food insecurity, and survival needs of immigrants in Columbia and Greene counties (NY) during these challenging times. 

Even though it is estimated that undocumented immigrants pay $11.6 billion in state and local taxes and contribute approximately $16 billion to social security and medicare annually, our families are continously denied access to healthcare, social services, and paid sick leave. Despite disproportionate levels of unemployment in our communities, undocmented immigrants continue to be systematically excluded from state and federal relief programs.

It is for these reasons we are moving from a place of abundance and inclusivity to establish the Mano A Mano Mutual Aid Fund. Together Immigrants and allies are building our own safety net with collective care and mutual aid.


How The Fund Works

Our application is first-come, first served, prioritizing applicants who have not yet received any Mano a Mano funds yet. Supporters, please consider making a donation today! **

CCSM is offering immigrants in Columbia and Greene counties (NY) a mutual aid grant to meet basic needs. Each recipient will be eligible for up to 3 rounds of $300 grants.

All grant decisions are made on a first-come, first serve basis until the Mano A Mano Mutual Aid Fund has $8,000 remaining. At that point, we will begin evaluating applications on a case by case basis and prioritize first time applicants over second time applicants. 

Our case by case grant decisions seek to uplift and prioritize those who are most impacted by the pandemic, injustice and the economic crises. In order to guide our decisions we added several new questions to our application: description of the severity of individual situations, how applicants identify themselves, and what particular needs applicants have. The answers to these questions will help CCSM understand both the economic situation of an applicant and how they may be affected by systemic oppressions (ex: racism, sexism, homophobia, etc..).


To proceed to our secure application click the Apply button below or contact CCSM at 518-303-3848 for more information and/or assistance completing your application.


CCSM’s Mano A Mano Mutual Aid Fund is made possible by grassroots donors like you. Mano A Mano has received contributions from the North Star Fund and Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation’s Columbia County COVID 19 Emergency Response Fund.