Mano a Mano Mutual Aid Fund Application | Columbia County Sanctuary Movement CRM

Mano a Mano Mutual Aid Fund Application

This is the application for first-time recipients.  If you have already received funds from Mano a Mano and are applying for a second round, click on this link.

New York
United States
Your response to this question will be the primary source of information for our decision to give funds. Please give as much detail as possible.
Note: CCSM can provide a maximum of $300 to each recipient. If your need is greater, we will try to obtain further support.

Receive A Hand Today, Give A Hand Tomorrow. If your financial circumstances change in the future and you are able to contribute to CCSM’s “Mano a Mano” Mutual Aid Fund, please consider making a donation in an amount that feels meaningful to you so we can all continue to support other community members in need. You can make a donation at
